Nurture Necklace


Made with sphere fancy jasper crystals, an Indian brass centerpiece and glass seed beads. .925 Sterling silver clasp.

Necklace worn in photos is 18 inches

Multiple sizes available, length can be customized upon request

Made with love

Fancy Jasper is a wonderful stone for bringing wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. It is said to intensify and lighten feelings of well-being, helping you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more.

It can also relieve fear, guilt and frustration, building inner strength and confidence.

Jasper is recognised as the “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress and anxiety, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity.

Jasper is often used to help with dream recall and shamanic journeying; it is a stone of protection and absorbs all types of negative energies.

Jasper facilitates in balancing and aligning the physical, mental and emotional bodies, it is a stone of strength, courage and determination.

Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging ideas into action. It can really assist people who need more focus, organisation abilities, and motivation.

Jasper is an opaque chalcedony that comes in a wide variety of colors. Fancy jasper is known for its beautiful color palette of mauves, lilacs, creams and greens all mixed together.

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